B O O K S  F R O M 

Upon The Moment Publishing LLC

National Award Winning Author

Friday, February7th,


Come Join us at Downtown Goshen First Friday's Shop 'Til You Drop. We will meet you at Fables Books to sign our books for you. See you there!

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Hooker Corner Winery, 315 W State St, West Lafayette, IN 47906 

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NOW AVAILABLE! From the creative minds of Kathryn Cain, Steven Cain, and J.D. Widgery comes Poet Tree, an Anthology of Short Stories and Poems.  Available on Amazon and Kindle. Get yours today! 

"What a wonderful collection of unique, fascinating short stories. All different, all remarkable and all with a unique twist at the end. Hard to put down. From tales of farm life to Syfy all rolled into a package of compelling pieces that quickly carries the reader from one to the next."   Greg Lamp, St. Paul, Minnisota

Amazon Paperback $11.00

Amazon Kindle $6.00

American Writing Awards Finalist: 

Fiction Inspirational

Sunset Kings

eBook   |  $3.99 + tax  |   Kindle Store   

Paperback  |  $11.99 +  shipping and tax  |  Amazon.com

Autographed paperback  |  $14.99 + $4.00 shipping  |  Paypal, Debit or Credit Card below

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  Paperback available at Walmart $11.99 + tax + shipping      

American Writing 

Awards Finalist


The Accident in Larson   

Copyright 2021 

eBook   |  $4.99 + tax  |   Kindle Store   

Paperback  |  $12.99 +  shipping and tax  |  Amazon.com

Autographed paperback  |  $15.99 + $4.00 shipping  |  Paypal, Debit or Credit Card

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Accident in Larson Reviews

Matthew O'Neill – Bloomington, Indiana

Author of The Seasons at Walden Inn

Good writing and great storytelling are two prongs on the same fork. While they are complementary skills, they could exist independently of each other.


Experience and practice shape great writing. On the other hand, talented storytellers predate the existence of the written word and tend to be born with that skill.


This novel shows Steven Cain owns an embarrassment of riches concerning both traits. A lifetime of writing has endowed Mr. Cain with an enviable mastery of the craft, whereas nature seems to have bestowed the ancient and magical gift of storytelling. With consummate skill, the reader is drawn in gently at first. However, as the author seamlessly adjusts his prose style to fit both the ongoing narrative and the developing plot, the reader is enveloped in a lasting feeling of suspense that commands attention right up to the last page.


Steven Cain, the storyteller, creates a fascinating array of characters as Steven Cain the writer segues from spare, tightly crafted prose to lush imagery while maintaining a controlled momentum that carries us along and keeps us engaged. Like all memorable books, this one left me vastly entertained and a little wiser in the ways of the world.


Virginia White    Opelika, Alabama

What happens when you mix beautiful rural Indiana with a twenty-something smart guy, a sweetheart, and a mysterious car wreck? "The Accident in Larson" is a great story complicated by local and extraterrestrial forces. I loved the twists and turns. Thanks for the entertaining read!

War at Home 

Steven Cain 

Lizzy returns to the Hoffman home after flirting with Chicago and Hollywood. The Chicago Outfit wants her back! The Hoffmans, and significant others from Sunset Kings, defend Lizzy in her refusal to return to a life of servitude. In War at Home, Boulton and the rural prairie take fire from those who want only to destroy Lizzy. You will enjoy this rags to riches story of greed and lust. In this sequel to Sunset Kings, the Hoffmans find themselves at war with the Chicago Outfit. 

eBook   |  $3.99 + tax  |   Kindle Store   

Paperback  |  $11.99 +  shipping and tax  |  Amazon.com

Autographed paperback  |  $14.99 + $4.00 shipping  |  Paypal, Debit or Credit Card at left

Include where to send the paperback, to whom to make out the autograph.  Use payment button below for your signed copy. Questions?  Email uponthemoment@gmail.com

Coming March, 2023

eBook   |  $2.99 + tax  |   Kindle Store   

Paperback  |  $8.00 +  shipping and tax  |  Amazon.com

Autographed paperback  |  $10.00 + $4.00 shipping  |  Paypal, Debit or Credit Card at left

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Now Available March, 2023

Two couples check into a Murder & Mystery themed Airbnb at a casino. They find more murder and mystery than they ever imagined.


Steve Cain, a national award winning journalist and freelance writer for more than fifty years, published thousands of articles in magazines such as Successful Farming, Prairie Farmer, and Farm Journal. He was a contributing writer to World Book’s Science Yearbook from 1989 to 2003. In 1997 and 1998, he hosted the nationally televised Science and Technology Update for Direct TV's Channel Earth. In the 1990s, Cain was a volunteer communication consultant in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Russia, and Uganda.

Cain is a retired Purdue University Extension Disaster Specialist.  While working for Purdue Extension, he helped more than 60,000 Hoosiers return to their homes after natural disasters. Cain has been a major player in four national USDA team awards for disaster education since 1988. At Purdue, he also coordinated news information for the School of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Communication. He worked with journalists from major television news networks as well as newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal.

In 1986, Senator Richard Lugar nominated Cain to be Indiana’s first representative on NASA’s citizen in space program. Cain has served as a board member of several organizations, the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and the Indiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster. In retirement, he volunteers for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security’s Foundation which has given millions of dollars to fund life-saving equipment for local, first responders.


A motorcycle enthusiast, Cain has ridden motorcycles in all 50 U.S. states and five Canadian Provinces. He will always cherish riding to the Arctic Circle with his son Ryan. He lives in the area where these stories take place with his wife Kathryn, also an author. They have four children, Hollie, Jason, Stephanie, and Ryan.

Photo credit: Kathryn Cain